Annual reports

Annual report 2023/24 »Evolving together«

The annual report provides information about the institute in figures, the work of the business units and their scientific projects as well as reporting on selected activities. 

In this year’s annual report »Evolving together« we would like to show you our extremely versatile institute whose portfolio includes high-frequency, power and optoelectronics as well as quantum components and systems.

This annual report looks at outstanding research results as well as many events, scientific records and awards for our researchers. It provides an exciting insight into our process and value chain using the example of satellite technology, for which we offer all steps from design to readytouse modules.

On the following pages we also like to introduce you to some of our employees. With around 300 people, we are just as diverse as our topics. Alongside the researchers, this also includes our employees who work in the background to ensure that everything runs smoothly and enable our cutting-edge research. 


Electronic paper, PDF und print-edition:


You can read our annual report conveniently in your Browser: E-Paper.

You can download the digital version here: Annual Report 2023/24 »Evolving together«

If you would like to receive a printed version of the annual report, please send us a request via email.


Quantum Systems

We research and develop innovative, industry-ready processes and applications based on quantum sensors and quantum computers, to harness the great potential of quantum technology.