

News 2/3/2025

Kick-off of the APECS sub-project at Fraunhofer IAF

Development of chiplets for high-frequency applications begins


News 12/20/2024

Pioneering research into laser-based inertial fusion begins in Germany

Fourth joint meeting of the SPINNING consortium


News 12/19/2024

SPINNING reaches all milestones and is extended by six months

Fourth joint meeting of the SPINNING consortium


News 11/14/2024

EU Quantum Flagship Project SPINUS

Using diamonds to build quantum computers


News 10/15/2024

“MobilSiegel": Employer award for climate-friendly mobility

Fraunhofer IAF receives award for sustainable mobility for the second time


News 10/16/2024

Fraunhofer UK: Productive collaboration in optoelectronics and quantum technologies

Boardmeeting of Fraunhofer UK at Fraunhofer IAF


News 10/15/2024

ESREF 2024: Best Paper Award goes to Michael Dammann

European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis 2024


News 10/10/2024

IEEE Best Oral Presentation Award for Michael Basler

Award at the IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices & Applications in Europe 2024


News 09/19/2024

NeuroQ project: First milestones in sensor development achieved 

Project meeting at Charité in Berlin


News 09/13/2024

IEEE JESTPE First Place Prize Paper Award for Fraunhofer researchers

Researchers from the Fraunhofer lighthouse project ElKaWe were honored for their work on ultra-efficient power electronics for electrocaloric heat pumps.


News 06/25/2024

Fraunhofer IAF joins GaN Valley

Fraunhofer IAF has joined GaN Valley to contribute its capabilities in high-frequency and power electronics to the development of sovereign European semiconductor supply chains.


News 06/18/2024

Students' Day 2024

On June 14, 2024, the annual Students' Day offered the participants an insight into the diverse research areas of Fraunhofer IAF.


News 06/13/2024

The Quantum Business Network met at Fraunhofer IAF

Networking on the topic of "Quantum Sensing & Imaging"


News 06/12/2024

Open Call for EU companies to step into the future of quantum

Free access to pilot production facilities for quantum technologies in Europe


News 06/03/2024

Milestone in the establishment of a European supply chain for materials and production processes for qubits

Final project meeting of MATQu (Materials for Quantum Computing) in Delft


News 05/14/2024

From Lab to Fab – Quantum technologies in Baden-Württemberg

Exchange forum on quantum computing


News 05/02/2024

Girls' Day 2024 at Fraunhofer IAF

Girls were given insight into research, laboratories and the day-to-day work of scientists


News 02/28/2024

Development of a scalable semiconductor quantum processor is progressing

5th QUASAR consortium meeting


News 01/11/2024

Rüdiger Quay elected to the Executive Board of the Information Technology Society within the VDE

The institute director of Fraunhofer IAF is thus one of a total of nine board members of the ITG.


News 12/20/2023

We wish you a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year!

Here is a selection of highlights from 2023


News 12/19/2023

Stefan Mönch receives new junior professorship at the University of Stuttgart

New research group “Smart converters for emission-free mobility of the future“


News 12/07/2023

 ICNS-14: Two awards for Fraunhofer IAF researchers

Both awards at the 14th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS) went to researchers from Fraunhofer IAF.


News 11/30/2023

Double victory at the Quantum Future Award 2023 for Dr. Felix Hahl from Fraunhofer IAF

1st place in the category PhD thesis and Audience Award



News 11/15/2023

Nobel laureate Hiroshi Amano invites researchers of Fraunhofer IAF

Lecture on nitride semiconductors at Nagoya University


News 10/26/2023

Kareem Mansour receives Green ICT Award for master’s thesis

Development of a novel DC-DC voltage converter


News 06/10/2023

Two awards for Fraunhofer IAF researchers at EuMW 2023

Review of a successful participation at this year's European Microwave Week


News 08/07/2023

Science Campus in Freiburg—Springboard for Women into Research

Young talents visit five Fraunhofer institutes


News 07/11/2023

Progress in the development of quantum computing hardware

On July 5 and 6, 2023, the third meeting of the BMBF-funded SPINNING project took place at Fraunhofer IAF.


News 07/06/2023

Novel approach to pharmaceutical quality control

The paper from researchers at Fraunhofer IAF on fast and non-contact control of pharmaceuticals was published in the IEEE Sensors Journal.


News 07/05/2023

Projekt-Review MATQu at Fraunhofer IAF

Two years of successful research to establish a European supply chain for materials and production processes for Qubits


News 05/05/2023

QBN Meeting on diamond-based quantum technologies

Impressions from the QBN Meeting on Applications of Diamond-based Quantum Computing & Sensing


News 03/01/2023

Remembering Prof. Dr. Adolf Goetzberger

Fraunhofer IAF mourns the death of former institute director


News 01/18/2023

Exchange on European semiconductors and climate-neutral technologies

Member of the Bundestag Chantal Kopf visits Fraunhofer IAF


News 01/03/2023

IEEE Tatsuo Itoh Award 2023 for scientists of Fraunhofer IAF

Dr. Fabian Thome and Dr. Arnulf Leuther awarded for their paper on Power Amplifier MMIC


News 12/20/2022

We wish you a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year!

Here is a selection of highlights from 2022.


News 07/18/2022

Second joint meeting of the SPINNING consortium

The second meeting of the consortium of the project “SPINNING” took place at the University of Stuttgart. 


News 12/05/2022

Alumni meeting: power up—innovative energy technologies 

Former institute directors and a former executive board member came together to visit the local Fraunhofer institutes. 


News 12/01/2022

Second General Assembly of the EU-funded project MATQu

The project meeting of the EU project MATQu took place for the first time in presence.


News 11/28/2022

Michael Basler wins the SEMIKRON Young Engineer Award 2022 

for his research in the field of “monolithic integration of GaN power circuits.


News 11/4/2022

Quantum sensing as “hidden champion“

Impressions from the QBN Meeting on Quantum Sensing at Fraunhofer IAF


News 10/28/2022

Quantum computing Developer Conference

First Developer Conference of the Competence Center Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg


News 07/26/2022

Fraunhofer IAF Scientists receive IEEE Best Paper Award

»Broadband 300-GHz Power Amplifier MMICs in InGaAs mHEMT Technology«


News 07/14/2022

First joint meeting of the SPINNING consortium

Diamond spin-photon-based quantum computer: At the first joint meeting of SPINNING at Fraunhofer IAF, the project consortium came together. 


News 06/20/2022

Annual Report 2021/22: “Inventing a Green Future”

Energy-efficient micro- and  nanoelectronics for a climateneutral, secure and independent future.


News 05/09/2022

Latest developments in laser and quantum research 

Fraunhofer IAF at LASER World of PHOTONICS 2022


News 02/09/2022

Further networking for applied quantum computing 

Status meeting on the projects of the Competence Center “Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg”


News 12/21/2021

Fraunhofer IAF receives €10 million from state and federal governments for new research building

More space for research on quantum technologies


News 12/17/2021

We wish you a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year!

Here is a selection of highlights from 2021


News 12/03/2021

Towards a World-Class Supercomputing Ecosystem

Fraunhofer IAF collaborates in the "HPCQS" project on hybrid quantum-high-performance computing


News 09/23/2021

Greening the Internet of Things

Successful completion of the Fraunhofer lead project ZEPOWEL


News 08/20/2021

2nd place for Fraunhofer IAF in BMBF’s Green ICT innovation competition 

Fraunhofer IAF convinces with it's project "EdgeLimit"


News 07/09/2021

Resilient algorithms for quantum computing and innovative hardware made of diamond

Fraunhofer IAF at the Fraunhofer Solution Days 2021


News 06/15/2021

Curtain up: Fraunhofer and IBM to unveil quantum computer

Inauguration of the quantum computer in Ehningen


News 04/23/2021

Diamond-based quantum hardware for scalable quantum processors

Start of the joint project “QC-4-BW” within the Competence Center Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg


News 04/13/2021

Trust first: “Velektronik” research project creates platform for trusted electronics


News 02/24/2021

Quantum shuttle to quantum processor “Made in Germany” launched

Project “QUASAR" aims to lay the foundations for the industrial production of quantum processors in Germany


News 2/2/2021

Annual Report 2020/21 »Quantum«

In this year’s annual report we show you how we are actively shaping the second generation of quantum technologies at Fraunhofer IAF.


News 01/28/2021

Quantum computing offers big potential for industry

Start of the joint project SEQUOIA within the Competence Center “Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg”


News 01/28/2021

ASCENT+ launches Transnational Access to European nanoelectronics infrastructure

Start of the EU funded Transnational Access (TA) program.


News 01/08/2021

€19 million state funds go to projects in the Fraunhofer Competence Center “Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg“

Three projects with participation of Fraunhofer IAF


News 12/18/2020

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

As the year draws to a close, we have put together a selection of our innovations, collaborations and events for you.


News 12/14/2020

Semiconductor technologies for GreenICT innovation competition

Fraunhofer IAF evaluates disruptive semiconductor technologies and devices for energy-efficient information and communications technology.


News 10/19/2020

EU program trains experts for 5G and beyond

PhD program supports two young high frequency scientists at Fraunhofer IAF.



News 10/08/2020

New machines for future devices

Fraunhofer IAF upgrades its equipment for the production of nanostructures and its competence in material analysis.


News 08/27/2020

Appointment to “Fritz Hüttinger Professorship for Energy-Efficient Radio-Frequency Electronics”

Deputy Director Dr. Rüdiger Quay accepts call for professorship at INATECH.


News 08/21/2020

The missing piece to the optical coordinate measuring device

Development of the world’s first optical coordinate measuring device for remote and full area measurements of large objects. 


News 28/07/2020

Scalable quantum computers through cryogenic 3D nanoelectronics

Fraunhofer IAF researches innovative electronics for quantum computers within the EU project "SEQUENCE"


News 04/01/2020


The annual report 2019/20 is out! This time we venture a look at the technologies of the future - What will the world of tomorrow look like?


News 03/19/2020

The state of Baden-Württemberg is funding the »Competence Center Quantum Computing«

Funding of up to 40 million euros over the next four years.


News 03/13/2020

IBM and Fraunhofer bring Quantum Computing to Germany

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and IBM announced today the signing of the agreement aimed at advancing quantum computing in Germany.



News 01/30/2020

Working together to advance quantum computing in Europe

About 100 representatives from research, politics and industry took part in the Quantum Computing Workshop at Fraunhofer IAF.


News 12/18/2019

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

We look back on an exciting year and have put toghether some of our highlights of 2019 for you.  


News 11/13/2019

Towards Zero Power Electronics

The lighthouse project »ZePoWel« develops energy-efficient, modular hardware as the basis for IoT. IAF is working on energy-efficient integrated circuits.


News 11/13/2019

“5G” as a key technology for digitization

Video interview: Dr. Rüdiger Quay explains the advantages of “5G” and the differences compared to its predecessors “4G” and UMTS.


News 11/06/2019

Cooperation of Fraunhofer and Rohde & Schwarz for 6G

The collaboration has resulted in a wireless transmit and receive system operating between 270 and 320 GHz.



News 10/30/2019

Fast internet anytime and anywhere

A project consortium is working on the world's first in-orbit verification of a communication link in the E-band.


News 09/26/2019

THz technologies for the wireless extension of fiber optic links

In the research project Terranova, the project partners have achieved a wireless data transmission in real time with a faultless data rate of 100 Gbit/s at a carrier frequency of 300 GHz.


News 07/09/2019

Visions of microelectronics

Our expert Dr. Rüdiger Quay gave a talk on the subject of cryogenic measurement technology at the CEA Leti / Fraunhofer workshop during the SEMICON West conference.


News 06/05/2019

Quantum technology - an innovation driver for industry?

Workshop »Quantum Technology« at Fraunhofer IAF


News 05/16/2019

A turbo for energy savings

In the project »Ultimate GaN« 26 partners from nine countries will conduct research on the next generation of energy-saving chips based on the new semiconductor material gallium nitride (GaN).


News 03/21/2019

A complete success: The »44th Freiburg IR Colloquium«

With a comprehensive program of scientific talks and a record number of more than 100 participants, the workshop offered a platform to discuss the latest findings.


News 02/22/19

Fraunhofer IAF awarded the FamilyLogo

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft honors Fraunhofer IAF for its great commitment and its diverse range of services to help employees reconcile work and family life.


News 02/13/2019


This year’s annual report of Fraunhofer IAF is all about the smallest phenomenon: quantum effects! Read more about it:


News 02/12/19

6.7 million euros for Freiburg research laboratory

The German Ministry for Education and Research is funding a project to develop miniaturized sensors for biomedicine.


News 02/12/19

Quantum Sensors to Understand and Control the Nanoworld

Quantum flagship: a second project involving Fraunhofer IAF has started


News / #WHAT'S NEXT at the Fraunhofer IAF?/ 01/10/19

Welcome 2019

2019 will be a year full of new special moments and events. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft celebrates its 70th birthday and we celebrate with it.