The T-TST Best Paper Award 2022 of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) goes to a team of Fraunhofer IAF authors: awarded are Laurenz John, Axel Tessmann, Arnulf Leuther, Thomas Merkle, and Thomas Zwick (KIT) for their paper “Broadband 300-GHz Power Amplifier MMICs in InGaAs mHEMT Technology”. The T-TST Best Paper Award recognizes, on an annual basis, the most significant contribution published in the IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. The award has been conferred at the International Microwave Symposium in Denver, Colorado, in June 2022.
The paper addresses the development of broadband THz power amplifier MMICs, demonstrating a record output power in excess of 20 mW in the frequency band around 300 GHz. The amplifier circuits have been developed by Laurenz John in the EU-funded project ThoR and are currently utilized as key building blocks in THz communication systems, which are being investigated at Fraunhofer IAF.
Paper »Broadband 300-GHz Power Amplifier MMICs in InGaAs mHEMT Technology«