Electronic circuits

Research and development in electronics

Fraunhofer IAF researchers develop materials, devices, modules, and sub-systems for a wide range of applications in high frequency electronics and power electronics. 

In the field of high frequency electronics, Fraunhofer IAF researchers work on metamorphic IC technology based on InGaAs mHEMTs including gate lengths of 50 nm, 35 nm, or 20 nm. This makes it possible to develop extremely low-noise and broadband applications at room temperature, but also under cryogenic conditions, with cut-off frequencies of up to 1 THz.

In power electronics, we focus on GaN-based devices, circuits, and modules for highest energy efficiency and maximum voltage being used in electromobility, air conditioning, and information technology applications. Furthermore, Fraunhofer IAF researchers work on novel lateral and vertical 1200 V devices as well as monolithic and heterogeneous integration.

High frequency electronics

Development and manufacturing of InGaAs or AlGaN/GaN high frequency MMICs, devices and modules up to prototype or small series production


GaN power electronics

GaN-based devices, power ICs, and modules for highest energy efficiency and maximum voltage


Services along the semiconductor value chain

Services in epitaxy, process technology, characterization as well as device and module manufacturing

Portfolio in high frequency electronics

Detailaufnahme von prozessierten Waferschichten
© Fraunhofer IAF
High-frequency amplifiers based on aluminum scandium nitride (AlScN) have the potential to significantly improve the power density and efficiency of high-frequency amplifiers in 5G base stations.
D band module of Fraunhofer IAF for 6G applications
© Fraunhofer IAF
D band module for 6G applications
In the foreground you can see a radio unit, in the background a city and landscape.
© Fraunhofer IAF
Fraunhofer IAF develops terahertz radio technologies for the sixth-generation (6G) mobile communications network such as this first autonomous 300 GHz wireless outdoor unit that enables wireless transmission up to 100 Gbit/s.

Fraunhofer IAF realizes amplifiers suitable for space applications because they offer lowest noise figures at very high amplification.

For telecommunications, we develop transceiver ICs that enable ultra-fast data transmission up to 300 GHz and above. Also, we work with novel piezoelectric materials, such as AlScN, for high frequency filter applications.

In the millimeter wave range, Fraunhofer IAF researchers develop subsystems comprising of compact radar modules with the highest measurement accuracy for demanding applications in materials testing, automation technology, and process control.

Using GaN-on-SiC substrates, we realize microwave power amplifiers including ICs up to over 100 GHz with the following focal points:        

  • Power generation in the range 1–2 GHz with powers of 1 kW
  • Mobile amplifier in the range 0.5–6 GHz with powers up to 250 W
  • Amplifier for radio links in the Ka-band up to 40 GHz with powers in the range 5–10 W

In the E-band (71–84 GHz), various ICs with an output power of around 1 W are available. The higher frequency range at 94 GHz is being investigated for radar applications.


Portfolio in GaN power electronics

See the Fraunhofer IAF GaN power electronics portfolio along the semiconductor value chain.

Current research projects

High frequency electronics

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