Aim of the project “QUASAR” is the implementation and demonstration of a microarchitecture overcoming current geometric scaling limits at quantum level with semiconductor technologies available in Germany. The technological basis are Si/SiGe quantum wells, for which a reproducibility of qubits has already been demonstrated. A key element is the “shuttling” of electrons on the chip, in order to couple qubits in a scalable way. The project will demonstrate all major architectural elements and their functions with competitive quality. By involving industrial partners and application-oriented research institutes, the entire value chain for the pursued quantum hardware is already established industrially or with direct transfer potential in Germany.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics IAF is responsible for the pre-characterization of qubit devices in the project. The scientists in Freiburg will apply their special expertise for device characterization by means of transport measurements in a 4K wafer probe station, in order to provide fast and statistically meaningful feedback regarding homogeneity of pinch-off voltages, gate hysteresis and charge noise to the fabrication.