Videos and Animations

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Videos on Quantum Computing

Quantum computers and their applications


Quantum computing promises to be able to solve problems through highly parallel data processing that are hardly solvable with today's computing power. But how do they work and what are the differences to classical computers? This animation illustrates it.

Quantum computers for logistics and a greener future


One area of application for which quantum computers are virtually predestined is the optimization of logistics processes. This animation explains how this works and how it contributes to a greener future.

Cryogenic wafer prober for the automated characterization of qubit devices


Nikola David Komericki summarizes the features, advantages, and applications of the new cryogenic wafer prober for the automated characterization of qubit devices. Fraunhofer IAF has commissioned the facility in 2023.

Videos on Diamond Devices and Quantum Sensors

Quantum sensing: Detecting tiny magnetic fields with diamond sensors

In order to identify magnetic fields with diamond sensors, a nitrogen atom is introduced into a tiny diamond tip. Even the smallest magnetic fields can be detected by ESR spectroscopy using the electrons of the nitrogen vacancy center.

Cancer diagnostics with diamond

With the help of quantum effects in diamond, we have the chance to revolutionize cancer diagnostics.

About Fraunhofer IAF

Working at Fraunhofer IAF

In this video, employees tell us about their work at Fraunhofer IAF, what motivates and fascinates them.

Video on energy-efficient electronics

High Frequency Electronics at Fraunhofer IAF


Learn more about the High Frequency Electronics at Fraunhofer IAF. We offer integrated circuits and modules from 1 - 600 GHz with top values in terms of gain, frequencies and noise figure. For example, we are developing the lowest noise amplifiers in the world. Take a look in our clean room and find out more about the range of applications of our modules for communication and radar.

Power Electronics at Fraunhofer IAF


In the field of power electronics, IAF researchers are working on the development of power transistors and circuits based on gallium nitride (GaN). Furthermore, we research and develop new materials, for example AlScN layers for piezoelectric filters.