Publications of the business unit High Frequency Electronics


Publication Type
2020 Considerations for Through-Substrate-Via Placement in InGaAs mHEMT THz Circuits Using Thin-Film Wiring
John, Laurenz; Neininger, Philipp; Tessmann, Axel; Leuther, Arnulf; Zwick, Thomas
Conference Paper
2020 E-band balanced broadband driver amplifier MMIC with 1.8 THz gain-bandwidth product
Schoch, Benjamin; Tessmann, Axel; Wagner, Sandrine; Kallfass, Ingmar
Conference Paper
2020 Validation of the Industry-Standard ASM-GaN Model for Gate-Length Scaling
Albahrani, Sayed Ali; Hodges, Jason; Heuken, Lars; Schwantuschke, Dirk; Gneiting, Thomas; Burghartz, Joachim N.; Khandelwal, Sourabh
Conference Paper
2020 Experimental demonstrations of high-capacity THz-wireless transmission systems for beyond 5G
Castro, Carlos; Elschner, Robert; Merkle, Thomas; Schubert, Colja; Freund, Ronald
Journal Article
2020 Monolithic millimeter-wave integrated circuits for low-power wireless communication systems with high data rates
Thome, Fabian
Doctoral Thesis
2020 Photonic-electronic ultra-broadband signal processing: Concepts, devices, and applications
Koos, Christian; Randel, Sebastian; Freude, Wolfgang; Zwick, Thomas; Scheytt, J.C.; Witzens, J.; Walther, Martin; Harter, Tobias; Ummethala, Sandeep; Kieninger, C.; Zwickel, H.; Marin-Palomo, P.; Muehlbrandt, Sascha; Füllner, C.; Schaefer, J.; Gudyriev, S.; Zazzi, A.; Müller, J.; Tessmann, Axel
Conference Paper
2020 THz channel sounding: Design and validation of a high performance channel sounder at 300 GHz
Schmieder, Mathis; Keusgen, Wilhem; Peter, Michael; Wittig, Sven; Merkle, Thomas; Wagner, Sandrine; Kuri, Michael; Eichler, Taro
Conference Paper
2020 GaN HEMTs. The benefits of far higher voltages
Krause, Sebastian
Journal Article
2020 Broadband and high-gain 400-GHz InGaAs mHEMT medium-power amplifier S-MMIC
Gashi, Bersant; John, Laurenz; Meier, D.; Rösch, Markus; Tessmann, Axel; Leuther, Arnulf; Massler, Hermann; Schlechtweg, Michael; Ambacher, Oliver
Conference Paper
2020 Long-range high-speed THz-wireless transmission in the 300 GHz Band
Castro, Carlos; Elschner, Robert; Merkle, Thomas; Schubert, Colja; Freund, Ronald
Conference Paper
2020 An interlaboratory study of the reproducibility of on-wafer S-parameter measurements from 140 GHz to 220 GHz
Clarke, R.; Shang, Xiaobang; Ridler, Nick M.; Lozar, Roger; Probst, Thorsten; Arz, Uwe
Conference Paper
2020 Development and evaluation of a GaAs based 300 GHz module
Dyck, Alexander
Doctoral Thesis
2020 Clutter mitigation based of adaptive singular value decomposition in tomographic radar images for material inspection
Meier, Dominik; Gashi, Bersant; Link, Torsten; Schwarze, Thomas; Zech, Christian; Baumann, Benjamin; Schlechtweg, Michael; Kühn, Jutta; Rösch, Markus; Reindl, Leonhard M.
Conference Paper
2020 Real-time experimental wireless testbed with digital beamforming at 300 GHz
Ntouni, Georgia D.; Merkle, Thomas; Loghis, Eleftherios K.; Tzeranis, Georgios; Koratzinos, Vassilis; Skentos, Nikolaos D.; Kritharidis, Dimitrios
Conference Paper
2020 Hybrid fiber-optical/THz-wireless link transmission using low-cost IM/DD optics
Rodrigues, Francisco; Ferreira, Ricardo; Castro, Carlos; Elschner, Robert; Merkle, Thomas; Schubert, Colja; Teixeira, António
Conference Paper
2020 InGaAs MOSHEMT W-Band LNAs on Silicon and Gallium Arsenide Substrates
Thome, Fabian; Heinz, Felix; Leuther, Arnulf
Journal Article
2020 A fully-integrated W-band I/Q-down conversion MMIC for use in radio astronomical multi-pixel receivers
Thome, Fabian; Ture, Erdin; Leuther, Arnulf; Schäfer, Frank; Navarrini, Alessandro; Serres, Patrice; Ambacher, Oliver
Conference Paper
2020 Propagation of Millimeter Waves in Composite Materials
Meier, Dominik; Zech, Christian; Baumann, Benjamin; Gashi, Bersant; Schlechtweg, Michael; Kühn, Jutta; Rösch, M.; Reindl, Leonard M.
Journal Article
2020 Low-loss millimeter-wave SPDT switch MMICs in a Metamorphic HEMT Technology
Thome, Fabian; Leuther, Arnulf; Ambacher, Oliver
Journal Article
2020 Noise performance of Sub-100-nm metamorphic HEMT technologies
Heinz, Felix; Thome, Fabian; Leuther, Arnulf; Ambacher, Oliver
Conference Paper
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