For Researchers


Quantum Systems

We research and develop innovative, industry-ready processes and applications based on quantum sensors and quantum computers, to harness the great potential of quantum technology.


Electronic Circuits


high-frequency electronics and power electronics

We develop transistors, monolithic integrated circuits (ICs) and modules for a broad spectrum of applications. We address high frequency and power applications in the microwave and (sub)millimeter-waves range up to 670 GHz, as well as power electronics for use in power switches and converters up to 100 MHz.


Optoelectronic Devices


In the field of optoelectronics, we mainly develop photodetectors and semiconductor lasers for the infrared spectrum (wavelength > 1,5 µm), but also for the solar-blind ultraviolet spectrum (< 280nm).


Quantum Sensors


One of our goals at the Fraunhofer IAF is it to develop magnetometers with the highest spatial resolutions and the highest sensitivities, so that it will be possible to detect individual atomic nuclear spins - a revolution in the field of nanoanalytics.


Quantum Computing


At Fraunhofer IAF, we conduct research in the field of electronics and diamond for quantum computing. Our goal is to contribute to advances in the performance of qubits and quantum memories, to increase the achievable computing times of quantum computers with novel quantum hardware and to reduce error rates.


Material Development


We are also working on the research and development of new materials for the realization of new device concepts and for the improvement and expansion of our existing device portfolio. These include, for example, AlScN layers for piezoelectric filters.

Lighthouse projects


With our Fraunhofer lighthouse projects we focus our efforts precisely on the needs and requests that come from industry.


Further Information


Fraunhofer IAF's Portfolio


We combine the entire III-V semiconductor value chain under one roof.



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