From Lab to Fab – Quantum technologies in Baden-Württemberg

05/14/2024 – Exchange forum on quantum computing

QuantumBW invited to get to know and discuss the quantum technology research in Baden-Württemberg at the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart on May 14. The event took place directly after the two-day Quantum Computing Exchange Forum (AFQC), which was organized by the Quantum Computing Initiative of the German Aerospace Center (DLR QCI). 

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Over two days, top-class speakers from industry, research and politics discussed—under the motto “scale up!”—how quantum computers can be used and become productive, which quantum computing platforms are the most promising and what an ecosystem needs in order to successfully advance quantum computing on a global scale in the long term.

Immediately following the “AFQC scale up!” the topic of technology transfer was taken up by the QuantumBW innovation initiative in their follow-up event “QuantumBW—THE LÄND of quantum technology.” They expanded the focus to include quantum sensor technology and quantum enabling technologies. In a lively panel discussion under the motto “From Lab to fab,” experts from the QuantumBW network addressed the topics in their entirety and how synergies between different quantum research and development fields can be used to bring these technologies into application. It became clear that only together, in a strong ecosystem in which research, industry and politics are involved, can this pioneering research and transfer work be driven forward. And it also became clear that THE LÄND offers the ideal environment for this.

© Fraunhofer IAF
© Fraunhofer IAF

The two-day event ended with a relaxed get-together with experts from the QuantumBW network. Participants were able to meet the people behind the hidden champions from THE LÄND of quantum technologies and learn more about quantum sensor technology, quantum computing and quantum enabling technologies from Baden-Württemberg in a personal exchange.

The event “QuantumBW - THE LÄND of quantum technology” was jointly sponsored by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism.

About QuantumBW

QuantumBW forms an umbrella label for quantum technology research in the state of Baden-Württemberg. The innovation initiative forms a strong network in which universities, non-university research institutions as well as leading high-tech companies and start-ups from THE LÄND pool their expertise. Together, pioneering research in the quantum sciences results in products such as ultra-sensitive sensors for autonomous navigation, particularly precise MRI devices and prototypes of high-performance quantum computers. QuantumBW is jointly funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg and the Ministry of Economics, Labor and Tourism Baden-Württemberg.


Companies and institutions in Baden-Württemberg are driving the quantum revolution and bringing quantum technology research into application.

Competence Center Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg

Quantum-based computing strategies for the next generation of high-performance computers

Quantum computing at Fraunhofer IAF

Learn more about the activities of Fraunhofer IAF in the field of quantum computing hardware and software.