12/03/2021 - Fraunhofer IAF collaborates in the "HPCQS" project on hybrid quantum-high-performance computing
The European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) based in Luxembourg has granted the infrastructure project in the framework of its Research and Innovation Action “Advanced pilots towards the European exascale Supercomputers”. HPCQS will receive a total budget of 12 Mio Euro over the next four years, which is provided by the EuroHPC JU and the participating member states in equal parts.
"HPCQS" aims to develop, deploy and coordinate a European federated infrastructure, tightly integrating two quantum simulators each controlling about 100+ qubits (quantum bits) in the Tier-0 HPC systems Joliot Curie of GENCI, operated at CEA/TGCC, and the JUWELS modular supercomputer at JSC. The seamless integration of quantum hardware with classical computing resources, creating a hybrid system, is an essential step forward to utilize the power of quantum computers for handling first practical applications.
The press release by Forschungszentrum Jülich can be found here: Towards a World-Class Supercomputing Ecosystem - HPCQS Pioneers Federated Quantum-Super-Computing in Europe
This project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No. 101018180. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, Austria, Spain.