DE-Brill—Deutsche Brilliance

Manufacturing process and novel control techniques for diamond quantum computers

Picture of an diamond based QPU architecture
© Quantum Brilliance
Diamond QPU architecture

The joint project “DE-Brill” aims to create the technological prerequisites for the realization of scalable diamond-based quantum microprocessors (QPUs), which can be applied, for example, in the field of edge computing. In cooperation with the start-up Quantum Brilliance, which is responsible for the commercial use of the project results, Fraunhofer IAF is applying its expertise in diamond epitaxy as well as wafer processing and characterization to develop growth processes of high-purity, (111)-oriented diamond and precise manufacturing techniques for the fabrication of scalable diamond qubit arrays. In parallel, the Institute of Quantum Optics at Ulm University is working on new methods for the readout and control of diamond qubits.


DE-Brill—Deutsche Brilliance



2021 – 2025


Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF

grant agreement number: 13N16208


Quantum Brilliance GmbH

Dr. Mark Mattingley-Scott


Dr. Nicola Lang


  • Realization of scalable and controllable diamond-based quantum microprocessors (QPUs) (Quantum Brilliance)
  • Development of growth processes of single-crystalline (111)-oriented diamond substrates (Fraunhofer IAF with Quantum Brilliance)
  • Fabrication of scalable arrays of diamond qubits (Fraunhofer IAF with Quantum Brilliance)
  • Readout and control of diamond qubits at high spatial resolution and individual addressing of magnetically coupled NV centers (Ulm University with Quantum Brilliance)


This project is receiving support by the BMBF.

Further information


“DE-Brill” Press Release


Learn more about the launch of the project “DE-Brill” in our press release.


Quantum Computing at Fraunhofer IAF

All information about research in quantum computing at Fraunhofer IAF can be found here.


Competence Center Quantum Computing

The Competence Center Quantum Computing in Baden-Württemberg connects stakeholders in the state.